Welcome to the Zanni Group!

Immediate openings for postdoctoral positions. Click here.

We develop and utilize ultrafast multidimensional spectroscopies to study topics in biophysics and materials science.

Follow us on Google Scholar for all our latest work!

Book and Company

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Check out Phasetech Spectroscopy

Prof. Martin Zanni and Dr. Chris Middleton have formed a company, PhaseTech Spectroscopy, to provide multidimensional mid-infrared and visible spectrometers to the scientific research community. The spectrometers are based on pulse shaping technology developed in the Zanni laboratory. See the PhaseTech website, for more information.

Learn 2D IR and 2D Electronic Spectroscopy!

Learn multidimensional spectroscopies from this book coauthored by Marty!

Recent News

May 5, 2023 – Congratulations, Dr. Kieran Farrell!
Kieran defended his thesis, titled “New Techniques and Technology Recover Old Capabilities and Improve the Sensitivity of Pulse-Shaping 2D-IR”. Soon after his defense, Kieran started his job at Lockheed Martin as a Senior Research Scientist.  

April 16, 2023 – Congratulations, Zac Faitz!
Zac was recently awarded the highly prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program!

March 23, 2023 – Congratulations, Dr. Sid Dicke!
Sid defended his thesis, titled “Protein Secondary structure identification in vitro and ex vivo using 2D-IR spectroscopy: Kinetics and Imaging”.  

February 10, 2023 – Zac Faitz receives teaching award!
For his excellence in the classroom, Zac Faitz was selected for the Outstanding Chemistry Teaching Assistant Award. Congratulations Zac!

December 5, 2022 – Good things come in threes!
Shivani, Dasol Im, and Brynn LeMasters are three brilliant first-year students that joined the Zanni Group this cycle. Welcome to the team!

October 7, 2022 – Congratulations, Dr. Zach Armstrong!
Zach defended his thesis, titled “Ultrafast two-dimensional white-light spectroscopy of excitons in disordered environments”. Zach is going to spend a season working as ski patrol before starting a post-doc at University of Colorado. 

August 26, 2022 – Congratulations, Dr. Miriam Bohlmann Kunz!
Miriam defended her thesis, titled “Ultrafast pulse-shaping applied to multi-dimensional spectroscopy and novel microscopy methods”. Miriam also just published another paper, titled “Time-Domain Photothermal AFM Spectroscopy via Femtosecond Pulse Shaping”.

August 20, 2022 – Dr. Minjung Son receives Young Investigator Award!
Dr. Minjung Son was the recipient of the 2022 ACS Young Investigator Award in experimental physical chemistry. Congratulations Minjung, you’re doing great!

May 11, 2022 – Congratulations, Dr. Erin Birdsall!
Erin defended her thesis, titled “2D Infrared Spectroscopy for the Study of Membrane-bound Proteins and Peptides”. Erin will be working for the Smithsonian museum, studying the science behind restoration and preservation of priceless artwork.

Latest Publications

Probing Ion Configurations in the KcsA Selectivity Filter with Single-Isotope Labels and 2D IR Spectroscopy

Ryan MJ, Gao L, Valiyaveetil FI, Zanni MT, and Kananenka A. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2023)


Voltage-Dependent FTIR and 2D Infrared Spectroscopies within the Electric Double Layer Using a Plasmonic and Conductive Electrode

Yang N, Ryan MJ, Son M, Mavric A, and Zanni MT. J. Phys. Chem. B. (2023)


Interspecies Variation Affects IAPP Membrane Binding

Sanders H, Chalyavi F, Fields C, Kostelic M, Li M, Raleigh D, Zanni MT, and Marty M. Chem. Rxiv. (2023)


Energy cascades in donor-acceptor exciton-polaritons observed by ultrafast two-dimensional white-light spectroscopy

Son M, Armstrong ZT, Allen RT, Dhavamani A, Arnold MS & Zanni MT Nat. Commun. (2022)


Time-Domain Photothermal AFM Spectroscopy via Femtosecond Pulse Shaping.
Bohlmann Kunz M, Podorova Y, Armstrong ZT,  Zanni MT. Anal. Chem (2022)


Phase stable, shot-to-shot measurement of third- and fifth-order two-quantum correlation spectra using a pulse shaper in the pump–probe geometry.
Farrell KM, Zanni MT. J. Chem. Phys. (2022)


Metastable intermediate during hIAPP aggregation catalyzed by membranes as detected with 2D IR spectroscopy
Dicke SS, Maj M, Fields CR, Zanni MT. RSC Chem. Biol. (2022)